Saturday, June 29, 2013


屬靈的真境。 10講題均取自約翰福音,包括 1.真光 、jn. 1:1-14 2.真以色列人、jn.1:43-46 3.真敬拜、jn. 4:23-24 4. 真救主、jn. 4:39-42 5. 真事奉、jn. 7:18 6. 真門徒、jn. 8:31 7. 真自由、jn. 8:31-36 8. 真愛主、jn. 12:1-8 9. 真葡萄樹、jn. 15:1-8 10. 真屬靈、jn. 16:13 等十多個不同的屬靈層面。

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


23歲的裴吉6月7日與男友艾丁步向紅毯的另一端,不過她年僅45歲的父親馬克因肺部嚴重感染,18個月前去世, 無緣將寶貝女兒的手,託付給另一個呵護她的男人。 裴吉身穿夢幻的白色婚紗,在前往禮堂前先到墓前給爸爸看自己披上嫁衣的模樣,她抑制不住情緒, 緊靠著墓碑跪倒,她的婚攝魏林加拍下這令人動容的時刻。 魏林加獲得裴吉首肯後,在婚禮1周後發表照片,他在照片下方寫著: 「我不是個愛哭的人,但當新娘跪倒在父親墓前,我忍不住落淚。」 全文網址: 婚禮前探亡父 美新娘淚擁墓碑 |

Sunday, June 16, 2013


培養一個建立在神話語上的信念和世界觀,讓神的話語深根在靈的深處,便能時常經歷活水湧流,這七方面分別為: 亮光─讓神瑞瑪(rhema)的話臨到你,開啟心中的眼目; 默想─默想神的話語,並且留意它。默想就是吸收神的話語到你的靈跟魂的過程; 大量累積─讓生命充滿神的話; 存記─如果要得著「信念」,就要將神的話存記在心裡,而非只是在頭腦裡; 明白理解─傾聽、留心、得到聰明; 禱告─心思領受神話語後,透過心靈的禱告回應主。以方言、禱讀、安靜等候神,隨著聖靈的引領,在禱告呼吸的節奏中,讓聖靈栽種、澆灌話語中的生命與醫治在我們靈裡; 行動─當你開始在每一天的生活中實踐神的話語時,它將會成為你的「信念」,而你也會靠著它的能力勝過任何挑戰。 什麼是「跳過牆垣的生命」, 就是竭力認識獨一真神(有見識); 負基督的軛,學祂的樣式(有品格); 經歷聖靈的大能(有能力)。 透過撒母耳記上三十章,分享大衛有見識、有品格、有能力的生命。

Saturday, June 15, 2013


65歲以上還在工作的美國人正在增加。 2011年,60歲至74歲仍在工作的美國男性上班族,平均時薪為25.12美元, 比25歲至59歲上班族的平均時薪20.55美元高20%以上。 ------------- 台大環工所 R66               江旭程 黃耀德 李肖宗 陳彥瑜 李克堂 徐世鳳 李崇德 劉恒昌 蔡萬益 姚宗岳 蔡清讚 王 明         R67               張尊國 楊佩華 陳宗銘 陳耀仁 曾文先 楊友信 林俊鑫 李建德 張志卿


美国血洗亚特兰大 1864年秋,被任命为西部方面军最高司令官谢尔曼对他的部下继续发出动员令: “要求所有居民必须离开市区,开始火烧亚特兰大!” 他命令军团将遇到的民房一路烧下去,同时杀死所有遇到的一切牲畜和反抗的人!  熊熊大火足足烧了16天!每一个夜晚,翻腾的烈火窜起把整个天空烧得一如白昼; 每一个白昼,整个城市翻滚而上的猛浪浓烟遮天蔽日,使得周遭400英里内一如黑夜! 曾经是南方无比繁荣无比美丽无比浪漫的亚特拉大城市,就这样全部化为废墟……

Friday, June 14, 2013


登记选民、投票、申请美国护照、做陪审员等都是美国公民独享的「特权」, 未入籍的新移民万一误打误撞行使「公民特权」,一旦被查出,很可能影响入籍或申请绿卡, 甚至可能因触犯联邦法律而被吊销绿卡。

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


智慧手機在18至34歲的年輕人中最受愛戴不同, 擁有平板電腦者多在35歲到44歲之間。 在35至44歲的人群中,約49%的人有平板電腦,超過其他任何年齡層的人。 在65歲以上者中,平板電腦的擁有率只有18%。 這項4至5月進行的調查表明,在有大學以上學歷的成年人中,半數人有平板電腦,超過任何其他受教育水平的人群。 在年收入至少為7萬5000元的成年人中,56%的人有平板電腦。 年收入不到3萬元的成年人,有平板電腦的比率僅為20%。 全文網址: 3個美國人 就有1人擁平板電腦

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ernest Thompson Seton and Lobo

界: 動物界 Animalia 門: 脊索動物門 Chordata 綱: 哺乳綱 Mammalia 目: 食肉目 Carnivora 科: 犬科 Canidae 屬: 犬屬 Canis 種: 狼 C. lupus狼是現行犬科動物中體型最大的物種 前掌各有五趾,後掌有四趾。 ---------------- One of the most famous such cases was described by Ernest Thompson Seton, an English artist and writer, in Wild Animals I Have Known (1899). Based on fact and documented by photographs, it concerned Lobo, an enormous wolf, called "The King" by Mexican residents who lived near a huge cattle ranch in northern New Mexico. For many years in the 1890s, Lobo led a pack of 5 wolves. He had a distinctive, deep howl that ranchmen recognized among the howls of the other wolves. He was by far the largest wolf in the pack and exceeded the size of other wolves in the region. Whereas most wolf paws measured 4.75 inches, Lobo's were 5.50 inches long. His mate, whom the Mexicans called Blanca, was a large, magnificent white wolf. These wolves, like many others of the West during this period, had been deprived of their natural prey, White-tailed and Mule Deer and Elk, which had been hunted out by settlers and replaced with livestock. The wolves turned to livestock as the only large prey available and, in doing so, became the target of ranchers' wrath. Western ranchers, like many livestock owners in Europe, believed that they should be able to release cattle to roam free without herding them into shelter at night. This situation had existed in Western Europe after large predators were eliminated from all but the most remote areas. In their new ranches, allocated to them by the government, ranchers sought to recreate the European model. This required the destruction of large predators. Lobo and his pack refused to eat dead animals that they encountered, apparently to avoid poison, and survived on calves and sheep that they killed themselves. When Lobo and his pack killed a cow, ranchers immediately put poison in the carcass. But when the wolves returned the next day to eat, they somehow knew which parts of the carcass were poisoned, and pulled out the poisoned chunks, throwing them aside, eating only the unpoisoned portions. Lobo also avoided the traps set for him and hid from hunters on horseback who pursued him. Trappers came from great distances to claim the high bounty on Lobo, but all failed to kill him. E. T. Seton decided to try to kill Lobo himself for the $1,000 bounty. He scattered poisoned baits, covering the human scent with other odors, and the following day, found that one after another of the baits was gone. Assuming that he would come upon the body of Lobo, he was surprised to find his five baits in a pile. Lobo had picked them up, one after another without eating them, and left them as a message to Seton. Seton obtained special steel jaw leghold wolf traps and set them in concealed places in Lobo's territory. When he came out to check the traps, he found Lobo's tracks leading from trap to trap. The canny wolf had discovered each of the traps during the night, scratching earth away to reveal the chain and trap, continuing from trap to trap until he encountered one in the center of the trail. Lobo then retraced his steps, placing each paw exactly in its old track until he found no more traps, using his paw to flip stones and earth clods to spring every trap. Seton finally succeeded in trapping Blanca by setting hidden traps among parts of a cow carcass and covering the area with Coyote scent. Lobo avoided the traps, but Blanca made a fatal error and blundered into one. When Seton and the others found her dragging the heavy trap, she turned to fight, howling across the canyon. Lobo howled back, while Seton and the others brutally killed her. Throwing lassos over her neck and holding the ends of the ropes, they galloped horses in opposite directions until her body was torn apart. When he wrote of the event years later, Seton (1899) called the killing a tragedy. They heard the howls of Lobo for days afterward. Seton described it as having "an unmistakable note of sorrow in it, now. It was no longer the loud, defiant howl, but a long, plaintive wail." When they found Lobo's tracks at the spot where Blanca had been killed, Seton reflected, "Now, indeed I truly know that Blanca was his mate." Soon afterward, Lobo came near the ranch house. His tracks showed that he had galloped about in a reckless manner before he blundered into a trap set in a pasture. He was able to pull out of it, but Seton then set 130 steel jaw leghold wolf traps in groups of four on every trail leading into Lobo's home canyon, and dragged Blanca's body around the area to leave her scent. He even removed one of her paws, with which he made a line of tracks on the soil covering each trap. Within days, Lobo was caught with all four legs in a trap set, having followed Blanca's scent and forgetting all caution. When Seton approached the trapped wolf, Lobo managed to stand, in spite of severe injuries, and howled his deep call, but no members of his pack responded. Seton and others wrapped ropes around his neck, put a stick in his mouth and lashed his jaws closed. His feet were tied, and when he was placed on Seton's horse, he refused to look at any of his captors. At the ranch, Seton placed a collar around his neck, secured him to the pasture with a strong chain, and Lobo lay calmly, gazing across the prairie. When Seton came out the next morning, Lobo was dead. On measuring his body, Seton found that Lobo weighed 150 pounds and was 3 feet tall at the shoulder. He was one of the largest wolves ever trapped in the Southwest. The largest Gray Wolves are native to northern Canada and Alaska and weigh up to 176 pounds, but most wolves of the Southwest were far smaller and lighter (Nowak 1991). Scientists who measured the skulls of the pair estimated that Lobo was 4 to 5 years old when he was killed, and Blanca was 7 (McIntyre 1995). Photos of Lobo and Blanca caught in traps are reproduced in Rick McIntyre's 1995 book, War Against the Wolf. Lobo and Blanca were exceptional specimens, and their slaughter represented an irreplaceable genetic loss. The treatment they received will remain a blot on human "kind." Lobo was killed on January 31, 1894, near Currumpaw, and his pelt is kept at the Ernest Thompson Seton Memorial Library and Museum at the Philmont Scout Ranch near Cimarron, New Mexico (McIntyre 1995). This experience changed Seton's attitude, and he expressed strong feelings of guilt in his description of his treatment of these wolves. ------------------------------ Government programs did not reflect Seton's newfound sympathy for wolves. In fact, predator-control programs intensified in the early years of the 20th century. Ranchers convinced the federal government to launch an all-out attack on predators, primarily wolves. The Forest Service and the Bureau of Biological Survey used poisons and traps to kill adult animals and many cruel methods to kill the pups in dens in their efforts to try to exterminate the wolf. In 1907 alone, the Forest Service killed more than 1,800 Gray Wolves and 23,000 Coyotes, among other animals (Laycock 1990). After the US Congress authorized the first substantial appropriation for hiring government hunters in 1915, federal wolf-control programs achieved an unprecedented level. Hundreds of agents combed the most remote wildernesses, spreading poison even where no cattle or livestock grazed. A point system was established; the highest number of points, 15, was accorded for killing a Mountain Lion or a Gray Wolf (Laycock 1990). Hired hunters earning high point totals made the Honor Roll, while others might be fired; they were expected to kill virtually every predator in their assigned area (Laycock 1990). Within a few decades, many thousands of Gray Wolves had been killed. They were eliminated from more than 95 percent of their range in the lower 48 states by the 1930s (Robbins 1997). A few wolves, using their intelligence and survival senses, managed, like Lobo and his pack, to survive somewhat longer, but they were killed in the end. The Custer Wolf, a large female also known as "Old Three-Toes" because she had lost a toe in a steel jaw leghold trap set by a government trapper, became as infamous as Lobo and Blanca. After her mate and pups were killed, the Custer Wolf survived until caught in a trap that became snagged on rocks (McIntyre 1995). Vernon Bailey, a biologist with the US Biological Survey, the government agency that later became the Fish and Wildlife Service, conducted wildlife and plant studies as well as predator-control programs. He noted early in the century that the Biological Survey had conducted "the most systematic and successful war on these pests ever undertaken" (McIntyre 1995). The loss of virtually all wolves in the vast area encompassing the lower 48 states may be the most devastating predator-control campaign in history. If not for the fact that the predator-control programs of the territorial and provincial governments of Alaska and Canada did not succeed in totally exterminating the wolf, the species might be extinct on the continent. Although wolves were persecuted and trapped for their fur in the latter areas, they survived in the far north and in the eastern forests of Ontario and Quebec and have now reoccupied most of their original range in Canada. The Gray Wolf is able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats and climates, whether searing deserts, shrublands, grasslands, forests of all types, frozen tundra or even marshlands. It had the largest range of any terrestrial mammal on Earth, other than humans (Nowak 1999). Wolves had lived for thousands of years on the continent, their environment and prey altering drastically through the Ice Ages, needing only the presence of large prey to survive. Wolf intelligence, in fact, exceeds that of the domestic dog, which has a brain 31 percent smaller (Busch 1995). In spite of the wolf’s survival abilities, the fragmentation of packs by predator-control agents prevented them from hunting normally and hastened their disappearance soon after control methods began. This need to live in a pack for hunting and companionship made the species vulnerable to extermination. When persecuted, Gray Wolves do not desert one another, and many cases have been documented of wolves sacrificing their lives in an effort to save a pack mate. This altruistic trait also contributed to their extermination. The traits that humans most admire about domestic dogs were inherited from the wolf--loyalty, intelligence, playfulness and affection. Wolf pups were first domesticated by hunter gatherers tens of thousands of years ago, and even after selective breeding by humans in the intervening centuries, they still retain many of the wolf's best qualities. Wolf packs have a lead pair, known to biologists as the alpha male and female, who are the only members of the pack that produce cubs. They mate for life, and dominate other wolves in the pack. They are usually the fittest and largest. Other pack members challenge for leadership, which can result in a change in the alpha pair. The entire pack, which includes adult females and males and pups from the previous year's litter, cares for the pups, ensuring that the strongest pass on their genes to future generations. Young unmated females and males "baby-sit" the pups when the alpha pair and the rest of the pack are out hunting. When the pups are about six weeks old, their baby-sitters spend hours with them in wrestling matches, games of tag and other rambunctious activities. Within the pack, wolves are extremely friendly and devoted to one another, barking and yipping with delight on meeting, and before and after hunts. They howl at night, communicating with other wolf packs which howl back. Bonds between wolves, especially mated pairs, are very strong, as illustrated by the saga of Lobo and Blanca, and many other cases of wolves in apparent mourning for lost mates have been documented. For many days, one male Mexican wolf, howling plaintively, followed a government trapper who had killed the wolf’s mate and carried off her pelt. Other species of canids show similar behavior. The African Wild Dog (Lycaeon pictus), a highly endangered wild canid, hunts on the African plains in even larger packs than Gray Wolves, numbering up to 26 animals, yet only one female in the pack has pups. The alpha female might have 16 pups, and if another female in the pack has a litter, the alpha female will steal the cubs and nurse them, even if the litter size reaches 20 or more. Fewer than 5,000 of these beautiful animals, sometimes called Painted Wolves because of their black-and-yellow spotted coats, remain in the wild, and they are in steep decline (Nowak 1991). In Zimbabwe, where there are only about 300 to 500 animals, they are still persecuted by farmers. Even in national parks, they often lose prey when chased off by Spotted Hyenas or Lions. The ecology of the Gray Wolf has been studied since the 1940s, revealing it to be completely different from the prejudicial folklore of Europe. Adolph Murie, one of America's greatest biologists, conducted studies of wolves in Mount McKinley (now known as Denali) National Park, where they were neither persecuted nor hunted. In his study, The Wolves of Mount McKinley (Murie 1944), he revealed: "It appears that wolves prey mainly on the weak classes of sheep, that is, the old, the diseased, and the young in their first year. Such predation would seem to benefit the species over a long period of time and indicates a normal prey-predator adjustment in Mount McKinley National Park." By examining the carcasses of Caribou and other mammals killed by wolves in the park, Dr. Murie found that most were in poor physical condition. Wolf packs test their prey by isolating and then chasing individual animals to detect weaknesses, and the majority of their chases do not result in a kill. In spite of more than 50 years of biological studies of wolves that have shown them to be a positive rather than a negative influence on their prey, there are still many who disagree. Predator-control programs have been authorized in Alaska, Canada and parts of Eurasia in misguided attempts to protect deer, Elk, Moose, American Bison and Caribou. A trophy hunting organization, Safari Club International, paid the British Columbia government to kill wolves in that province (Williams 1991). The real motivation for these eradication programs is often to promote artificial increases in populations of ungulates, such as Moose, Caribou and deer, for sport hunting. Over the ages, prey species of wolves have evolved to survive their attacks by becoming faster and stronger. The largest and healthiest deer on the North American continent have been found in areas where wolves are resident predators. The number of wolves in a pack varies according to the size of the prey: packs of up to 15 are needed to bring down bison, while packs of seven or fewer hunt deer (Nowak 1999). Wolves hunting large prey run in shifts, with tired members of the pack replaced by rested wolves. They will sometimes need to run for many miles after Caribou, Moose, American Bison or deer before they succeed in singling out one they are able to bring down; an average of only one in 10 chases is successful. Native Americans have always been aware of the important relationship between the wolf and its prey. The Keewatin Inuits have an ancient saying: "The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong" (Busch 1995). The healthiest members of each prey species are able to fend off wolf packs, and only in unusual circumstances can wolves kill them. For the vast majority of prey species, wolves sense weakness in their prey, evidenced by body stance, uncoordinated movements, the smell of wounds or, most often, by their lack of endurance when being chased (McIntyre 1995). When wolves are hunted out of an area with deer and other ungulates, the latter animals often increase in numbers to such great levels that they strip their habitat of vegetation. The overpopulation of White-tailed Deer in many parts of the northeastern United States, especially in suburban locations, has resulted from a lack of natural predators. Their absence has created a major imbalance in eastern forest ecosystems, where they have become so numerous that they consume young trees and new growth on mature trees.

Monday, June 10, 2013


憐憫的心 唐崇榮牧師 主日學之父,銳克斯(Robert Raikes,1735-1811)原本沒有計劃辦學,也從來沒有計劃做主日學之父。 有一回,他要到格洛斯特 (Gloucester),在他自己的城市請幾位印刷工人,帶他們到倫敦去幫助他的日報運作。 結果一進城的時候,那些沒有讀書的野孩子,用泥沙、臭蛋丟來丟去的時候,弄到他滿身都骯髒了。 他本來可以把他們抓來,放到警察局那裡去。但是這個時候神的靈感動他: 「誰教導英國的下一代?誰負起教養我們下一代的責任?」當這些八、九歲的孩子,除了在工廠被剝削做童工之外, 他們其他的時間就這樣浪費時間,這樣消磨日子,英國還有前途嗎? 結果他就不注重他日報的事業,決定用愛心把這些孩子帶到他身邊來, 自己教他們四件事情:怎麼讀,怎麼寫,怎樣有禮貌,怎麼明白聖經。 他做教導下一代的工作,然後慢慢影響許多的教會,但教會說:「我們沒有時間,我們探訪大人的時間都不夠了。 我們自己的會友,我們都沒有辦法去訪問了,哪裡有辦法關心街上這麼多的孩子。」 所以他用他的報紙呼籲全英國的基督徒注意下一代,注意這些野孩子在街頭的道德生活。這樣,他就發起主日學。 主日的時候大家不上班,那麼,把孩子召集來,講故事給他聽。 每一個教會都有一些青年人,禮拜天的時候召集把孩子,教導他們聖經。 就這樣呼籲,這樣感動。結果很多人受感動,開始辦主日學。 當銳克斯死的那一天,人家計算出一件事情來。 他是與約翰‧衛斯理(John Wesley,1703-1791)、 懷特腓德(George Whitefield, 1714-1770)、 查理‧衛斯理(Charles Wesley, 1707-1788)同時代的人,而上帝用他無形中助長了不列顛、英倫三島的大復興運動, 用小孩子也聽見上帝的道,來配合大人所領受的復興。 當他死的時候,他們計算出來銳克斯離開世界的那一天,全英國有40萬個孩子,每個禮拜天上主日學。 為什麼?因為他那一天不生氣,不打那些孩子,他動了憐憫的心。 「憐憫」是什麼?憐憫是付代價的。 是撥開你的時間,放棄你原有的計劃, 你要做一些業餘的,多餘的,比較麻煩的,與你無關的, 沒有營利的,沒有得到好處的, 但是別人從你得到你的愛,你的體恤,你的關懷,你的犧牲的果效,那叫做「憐恤」。 所以真正的憐憫,真正的愛心,不是在口頭上,言語上,舌頭上的應許, 而是在你的誠實,動機,行為,付諸實踐的行動上面。 我們有沒有憐憫人的心?我們是不是在誠誠實實的動機上,加上實實在在的行為上,有憐憫的表達, 使別人與我們一同享受這福音的好處?不單是享受福音的信息,更是在享受福音以後,與人分享我們的生命。 你憐憫人嗎?如果你真的憐憫人,你為別人做了什麼?如果你真的憐憫人,你對自己放棄了什麼? 請基督徒注意,基督徒最大的權柄,就是「不使用自己權柄」的權柄。 基督徒最大的權柄就是「放棄權柄」的權柄。 我的老師魏文英(Miss Mabel Williamson, 1882-1964),她家3姐妹從年輕立約一同到中國做宣教士,年老的時候一同退休住在鄉下。 上帝聽她們的禱告,她們做宣教士過了50年以後,她們三姐妹都還沒有死,回到加拿大一個小鄉村,很窮的租一個汽車屋子在裡面。 我去看她們,我很受感動,她寫一本書叫做《Have We No Rights?》(難道我們沒有權柄嗎)? 那本書是只有薄薄的,後來被內地會總部選為必讀之書,所有要成為內地會宣教士的, 其中一本要讀的書就是《 Have We No Rights? 》(難道我們沒有權柄嗎)? 保羅說,「難道我沒有權柄靠福音養生嗎?聖經豈不是說,牛在場上做工的時候,不可攏住它的嘴嗎? 你們靠你的技術養生,我傳福音,為什麼不可以靠傳福音養生呢?(林前9 :12-15)。 但保羅說,「對外邦人,我不用這個權柄,免得我失去了使徒的尊貴。 保羅說,「難道我不可以像磯法一樣帶著妻子往來佈道嗎?我不用這個權柄, 因為凡我所行的都是為福音的緣故,叫別人與我一同得到福音的好處。」 我所行的都是為福音的緣故,為這個緣故放下,放下權柄。 唐崇榮牧師


何曉東弟兄生於1926年4月22日,於美西時間2011年12月7日(星期三)下午在洛杉磯安息主懷。 他出版超過130本著作,堪稱當代華人基督徒著書最多的作家。 宇宙光總幹事林治平教授見證說,宇宙光的第一部新車就是由何曉東弟兄捐贈,何弟兄對文字侍奉機構的付出實在是盡心盡力。 國際讀經會總幹事廖明發長老則表示,何弟兄曾主動邀他錄音,結果在一天內完成錄音訪談,何弟兄為廖明發長老所寫的傳記 《從吃香灰到獻香祭》發行超過三萬本。透過這本書,帶領無數人認識福音而信主。 何曉東弟兄出生在一個當時顯赫的家庭中,他的父親何是張作霖的秘書。 早年何曉東在上海聖約翰大學就讀,他很佩服魯迅、巴金等作家。信主之後,何曉東弟兄隨著家人去到台灣。 定居台灣以後,熱愛文學的他開始被神造就,投身於福音文字事工。至今,他已有著作一百多本書,盛銷各地華人福音書房。 他為兩位好朋友吳勇長老和呂代豪牧師分別所寫的傳記《不滅的燈火》及《收刀入鞘》,更在世界各地華人教界及普羅大眾當中廣受歡迎。 何曉東弟兄從1981年開始,每隔一年便去中國大陸作為期三個月的短宣工作,領人歸主,造就信徒,從不間斷。

Monday, June 3, 2013


2013年: 提高」高收入者」所得稅來支付聯邦醫療保險,將目前對收入20萬美元以上的個人和收入25萬美元以上的夫婦所徵收的1.45%薪資稅,提高至2.35%。對這個收入群的國民,一些投資收入課徵3.8%的所得稅。 醫療設備的銷售需課徵2.9%的消費稅,但以零售價購買的社會大眾不需加稅。 2014年: (1)設立州保險交易所,讓小型企業和個人選購保險。 (2)大多數人必須投保,否則公司或個人面臨罰款。 2015年: 醫師薪酬制度,目標在獎勵醫療重質不重量。 2018年: 針對僱主提供的高額健保計畫徵收消費稅。徵稅門檻為1萬200美元以上的個人保險,以及2萬7500美元以上的家庭保險。涵蓋退休人士與高風險職業人員的門檻會更高。 2019年: 達成95%美國公民納入保險的目標